Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Математика и физика. 2024 г. Том 17. № 4выпуск журнала/газеты
Статьи выпуска
- A Classical Limit for the Dirac Equation in the Context of Magueijo-Smolin Model of the Doubly Special Relativity Using the Ehrenfest`s Theorem. — С. 435-447Ilyas Haouam
- On Cyclic Interpolative Kannan- Meir-Keeler Type Contraction in Metric Spaces. — С. 448-454Mohamed Edraoui, Soukaina Semami, Amine El’koufi, Mohamed Aamri
- On the Boundedness of Maximal Operators Associated with Singular Surfaces. — С. 455-463S. E. Usmanov
- Integral Operator of Potential Type for Infinitely Differentiable Functions. — С. 464-469S. G. Myslivets
- On Property M(4) of the Graph K[2]{n} + O[m]. — С. 470-477Le Xuan Hung
- Influence of Boundary Conditions on the Critical Parameters of Reactive Flow Ignition in a Channel with Heat Recuperation. — С. 478-487I. G. Donskoy
- Oscillatory Integrals for Mittag-Leffler Functions. — С. 488-496A. R. Safarov, U. A. Ibragimov
- Temperature Resistance of Silver and Iron Nanoparticles. — С. 497-505B. B. Damdinov, A. A. Ershov, C. M. Mitypov [et al.]
- Some Classes of Sets Sufficient for Holomorphic Continuation of Integrable Functions. — С. 506-512B. A. Shoimkulov, B. J. Kutlimuratov
- On the Grothendieck Duality for the Space of Holomorphic Sobolev Functions. — С. 513-518A. B. Levskii, A. A. Shlapunov
- Maximal Functions and the Dirichlet Problem in the Class of m-convex Functions. — С. 519-527Azimbay Sadullaev, Rasulbek Sharipov
- Research of the Equations of a Viscous Inhomogeneous Fluid in a Hele-Shaw Cell by Group Analysis Method. — С. 528-536A. A. Rodionov, N. A. Saveliev
- An Application of the Plane Curve`s Standard Basis to a Certain Class of Problems from Classical Mechanics. — С. 537-543S. B. Bogdanova, S. O. Gladkov
- NEXAFS and XPS Spectra of Mn Doped Bismuth Magnesium Tantalate Pyrochlores. — С. 544-553N. A. Zhuk, S. V. Nekipelov, A. V. Koroleva [et al.]