Аннотация:The article presents the technologies of managing the training of sports exercises, basedon the requirements for the development of their difficulty in complex coordination sports events.Technologies are based on knowledge, consideration and use of mechanisms that control theirradiation, concentration and stabilization of excitation and inhibition processes in the centralnervous system. They are implemented on the basis of biomechanical study of the structural composition of sports exercises, psychological parameters and individual indices of sports fitness of athletes, the impact of multidisciplinary content of sports exercise training. Objective. To develop and substantiate some current technologies for managing the process of learning sports exercises with complex coordination of the motion structure. Methods. Analysis of data of scientific and methodical literature, Internet, pedagogical observation, analysis of competition protocols. Results. Algorithms for using biological feedback as a modern method of self-control have been studied, practical recommendations for coaches and athletes in the process of learning sports exercises have been suggested. It is established that biological feedback is realized on the basis of and in combination with transfer technology, linearly branched programming of educational material taking into account individual indices of sports fitness of those engaged. They allow efficient development of knowledge, motor skills and abilities in the process of learning basic, complex and high difficulty exercises.