Аннотация:Aim of research was to provide theoretical and experimental justification of efficiency of alactic training modeling conditions and structure of competitive activity. Materials and Methods. To assess the experimental program efficiency we conducted educational experiment which took 7 months. Experimental and control groups included 10 highly-skilled athletes (Masters of Sport of International Class and Merited Masters of Sport) aged 20–27. The participants were winners and medalists of Asian and World Championships and the Asian and Olympic Games. The experimental group was training according to specially designed experimental program. Conditioning specifics and pharmacologic program were the same for both groups. Results. The results of the experiment showed that the greatest effect of mainly alactic training was observed in barbell clean. This could be associated with long-term adaptation of the participants due to increased power of alactic mechanisms of energy supply and accumulation of myofibril mass (mostly in fast muscle fibers), which influenced the growth of observed strength of muscles at a high rate of their contraction. Conclusion. The obtained information may be used for training process management and correction of training load depending on the individual performance in clean and jerk.