Библиографическое описание:Agirbov, S. R. Psychology and pedagogy : tutorial for foreign medical students of the english medium / Agirbov S. R. - Ставрополь : СтГМУ, 2020. - 244 с. - ISBN 978-5-89822-653-4 : Б. ц. - Текст : непосредственный.
Аннотация:The tutorial “Psychology and Pedagogy” is prepared according to the content of the recommended basic textbooks on the discipline “Psychology and Pedagogy”, of psychological reference dictionaries, listed in the section of the main and additional literature, and of the information and telecommunication Internet resources. The tutorial “Psychology and Pedagogy” is intended for students of the basic professional educational programs of higher education mastering the discipline “Psychology and Pedagogy” in English.