Rhetorical code studies: discovering arguments in and around code


  • Intro; Contents; List of Tables; List of Practice Scripts; List of Figures; Introduction; 1. Toward the Rhetorical Study of Code; What Does Rhetorical Code Studies Involve?; Digital Rhetoric; Critical Code Studies; Software Studies; Technical Communication; Rhetorical Code Studies' Gains and Contributions; 2. Rhetoric and the Algorithm; From Algorithm to Algorithmic Culture; Algorithmic Criticism in the Humanities; Arguments in Code as Algorithmic Meaning Making; Conclusions; 3. "I Have No Damn Idea Why This Is So Convoluted": Analyzing Arguments Surrounding Code
  • Rhetorical Scholarship on Online Discourse Communities; The Rhetorical and Social Makeup of Open Source Software Development Communities; Developers' Rhetorical Awareness of Their Coding Practices; Conclusions; 4. Developing Arguments in Code: The Case of Mozilla Firefox; Mozilla Firefox: A Code Study; Conclusions; 5. Composing in Code: A Brief Engagement with JavaScript; Procedural Progymnasmata; Exercises in Repetition: Looping; Exercises in Style: FizzBuzz; Exercises in Repetition: Object Creation; Exercises in Arrangement: Bubble Sort; Exercises in Invention: enthymemeGenerator.js
  • Conclusions; 6. Conclusions; Rhetorical Code Studies Thus Far; Assessing Computational Action; A Future for Rhetorical Code Studies; Bibliography; Index