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Получение структурированного света и массивов лазерных вихревых пучков
(Сибирский федеральный университет, 2021)
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, Y. Yang, S. W. Zhu, X.-C. Yuan // Optics Express. – 2015. – Ɍ. 23, №. 23. – ɋ. 30143-30148. 7. Mirhosseini, M. High-dimensional quantum cryptography with twisted light / M. Mirhosseini, O. S. Magaña-Loaiza, M. N. O’Sullivan, B. Rodenburg, M. Malik...
, Y. Yang, S. W. Zhu, X.-C. Yuan // Optics Express. – 2015. – Ɍ. 23, №. 23. – ɋ. 30143-30148. 7. Mirhosseini, M. High-dimensional quantum cryptography with twisted light / M. Mirhosseini, O. S. Magaña-Loaiza, M. N. O’Sullivan, B. Rodenburg, M. Malik...
Classification and Trends in Developing Digital Services In Russian Federation
of the Krasnoyarsk Krai for the research support.
1. Anikin V.I. (2013) Competitiveness of Russia, priorities of strategic cooperation with foreign
countries and challenges for national security. In: Competitiveness of the Russian economy in the
st century, M.: RISI 2. Bukht R., Hicks R. (2018) Definition, concept and measurement of the digital economy. In: Bulletin of international organizations: education, science, new economy, 13 (2), 143-172 3. Danilchenko Yu.V., Fedorova N.V. (2019...
st century, M.: RISI 2. Bukht R., Hicks R. (2018) Definition, concept and measurement of the digital economy. In: Bulletin of international organizations: education, science, new economy, 13 (2), 143-172 3. Danilchenko Yu.V., Fedorova N.V. (2019...
Classification and Trends in Developing Digital Services In Russian Federation
of the Krasnoyarsk Krai for the research support.
1. Anikin V.I. (2013) Competitiveness of Russia, priorities of strategic cooperation with foreign
countries and challenges for national security. In: Competitiveness of the Russian economy in the
st century, M.: RISI 2. Bukht R., Hicks R. (2018) Definition, concept and measurement of the digital economy. In: Bulletin of international organizations: education, science, new economy, 13 (2), 143-172 3. Danilchenko Yu.V., Fedorova N.V. (2019...
st century, M.: RISI 2. Bukht R., Hicks R. (2018) Definition, concept and measurement of the digital economy. In: Bulletin of international organizations: education, science, new economy, 13 (2), 143-172 3. Danilchenko Yu.V., Fedorova N.V. (2019...
Tailoring diffraction of light carrying orbital angular momenta
and may provide new opportunities for singular
Funding. Russian Science Foundation (19-12-00203).
Acknowledgment. The authors thank S. A. Myslivets
and V. G. Arkhipkin for help with calculations and fruitful
Disclosures. The authors...
(2015). 13. Y. Kozawa, D. Matsunaga, and S. Sato, Optica 5, 86 (2018). 14. M. Mirhosseini, O. S. Magaña-Loaiza, M. N. O’Sullivan, B. Rodenburg, M. Malik, M. P. J. Lavery, M. J. Padgett, D. J. Gauthier, and R.W. Boyd, New J. Phys. 17, 033033 (2015). 15. A...
(2015). 13. Y. Kozawa, D. Matsunaga, and S. Sato, Optica 5, 86 (2018). 14. M. Mirhosseini, O. S. Magaña-Loaiza, M. N. O’Sullivan, B. Rodenburg, M. Malik, M. P. J. Lavery, M. J. Padgett, D. J. Gauthier, and R.W. Boyd, New J. Phys. 17, 033033 (2015). 15. A...
ФТД.2.Иностранный язык, продвинутый уровень (исп) 2017
5. Tanto Antonio como Olalla se enteraron de lo ocurrido por María.
A. Monólogo. Haz una pequeña presentación sobre el tema que se te plantea a
1. Monólogo. Haz una pequeña presentación sobre el tema que se te...
conversación con un interlocutor sobre el tema de tu tarjeta. Eres la dueña de una casa en la que va a vivir contigo una estudiante extranjera. Le explicas las reglas que debe cumplir. Además quieres saber cosas sobre sus hábitos alimentarios y los...
conversación con un interlocutor sobre el tema de tu tarjeta. Eres la dueña de una casa en la que va a vivir contigo una estudiante extranjera. Le explicas las reglas que debe cumplir. Además quieres saber cosas sobre sus hábitos alimentarios y los...
Изучение иммобилизованных продуктов сульфидного восстановления тетрахлораурат-ионов
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2008-09)
guidance. Proc Nat Acad Sci 2002. V. 100. P. 13549-13554.
10. Norman T, Grant Jr, Magana D, Zhang J, Liu J, Cao D, Bridges F, Van Buuren A. Near Infrared
Optical Absorption of Gold Nanoparticle Aggregates. J. Phys. Chem. B...
nanoparticles: assembly, supermolecular chemistry, quantum-size- related properties, and applications toward biology, catalysis, and nanotechnology. Chem Rev 2004. V. 104. P. 293-346. 2. Pei L, Mori K, Adachi M. Formation Process of Two...
nanoparticles: assembly, supermolecular chemistry, quantum-size- related properties, and applications toward biology, catalysis, and nanotechnology. Chem Rev 2004. V. 104. P. 293-346. 2. Pei L, Mori K, Adachi M. Formation Process of Two...
Spin-dependent electrical hole extraction from low doped p-Si via the interface states in a Fe3Si/p-Si structure
/p-Si structure
A S Tarasov1,2, A V Lukyanenko1,2, M V Rautskii1 , I A Bondarev1,2 ,
D A Smolyakov1, I A Tarasov1, I A Yakovlev1, S N Varnakov1,
S G Ovchinnikov1,2, F A Baron1 and N V Volkov1
1Kirensky Institute of Physics, Federal Research Center KSC SB RAS...
I-V curve revealed a Schottky barrier at the Fe3Si/p-Si interface with a height of 0.57 eV.Bpf = Then, using impedance spectroscopy, we observed interface states localized in the band gap of silicon with energy of ELS=40 meV. Such states most...
I-V curve revealed a Schottky barrier at the Fe3Si/p-Si interface with a height of 0.57 eV.Bpf = Then, using impedance spectroscopy, we observed interface states localized in the band gap of silicon with energy of ELS=40 meV. Such states most...
Spin-dependent electrical hole extraction from low doped p-Si via the interface states in a Fe 3 Si/p-Si structure
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Spin-dependent electrical hole extraction from low doped p-Si via
the interface states in a Fe3Si/p-Si structure
A.S. Tarasov
, A.V. Lukyanenko
, M.V. Rautskii
, I...
.A. Bondarev 1,2* , D.A. Smolyakov 1 , I.A. Tarasov 1 , I.A. Yakovlev 1 , S.N. Varnakov 1 , S.G. Ovchinnikov 1,2 , F.A. Baron 1 and N.V. Volkov 1 1 Kirensky Institute of Physics, Federal Research Center KSC SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia 2 Institute...
.A. Bondarev 1,2* , D.A. Smolyakov 1 , I.A. Tarasov 1 , I.A. Yakovlev 1 , S.N. Varnakov 1 , S.G. Ovchinnikov 1,2 , F.A. Baron 1 and N.V. Volkov 1 1 Kirensky Institute of Physics, Federal Research Center KSC SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk 660036, Russia 2 Institute...
Электрохимические свойства висмутосодержащих оксидных покрытий на титане, сформированных методом плазменно-электролитического оксидирования
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2014-09)
Elena V. Schitovskaya, Alexander N. Fedorets,
Vladimir V. Korochentsev and Ivan S. Os’mushko
School of natural Sciences
Far Eastern Federal University
8 Suhanova Str., Vladivostok, 690950, Russia
Received 21.06.2014, received in revised form 03...
программы «Научный фонд ДВФУ». Грант 12-03-13003-13 и ГЗ Министерства образования и науки РФ № 179. – 422 – Antonina S. Lapinа, Galina I. Marininа… Electrochemical Properties of Bismuth Oxide Films on Titanium Formed… Список литературы Burakhta V. A...
программы «Научный фонд ДВФУ». Грант 12-03-13003-13 и ГЗ Министерства образования и науки РФ № 179. – 422 – Antonina S. Lapinа, Galina I. Marininа… Electrochemical Properties of Bismuth Oxide Films on Titanium Formed… Список литературы Burakhta V. A...
A Multifaceted Approach to Forming Mathematical Digital Competency of Future Engineers in Teaching Applied Mathematics
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2023-12)
. Mathematics & Physics 2023, 16(6), 720–731
УДК 378.51
A Multifaceted Approach to Forming Mathematical Digital
Competency of Future Engineers in Teaching
Applied Mathematics
Mikhail V. Noskov∗
Viktoria A. Shershneva
Siberian Federal University...
, mathematical digital competency, future engineers, mathematical modeling, digital education tools. Citation: M.V. Noskov, V.A. Shershneva, E.I. Skafa, E.G. Evseeva, M.E. Korolev, A Multifaceted Approach to Forming Mathematical Digital Competency of Future...
, mathematical digital competency, future engineers, mathematical modeling, digital education tools. Citation: M.V. Noskov, V.A. Shershneva, E.I. Skafa, E.G. Evseeva, M.E. Korolev, A Multifaceted Approach to Forming Mathematical Digital Competency of Future...