Absolute diversification rates in angiosperm clades
S Magallon, MJ Sanderson - Evolution, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
The extraordinary contemporary species richness and ecological predominance of flowering
plants (angiosperms) are even more remarkable when considering the relatively recent …
plants (angiosperms) are even more remarkable when considering the relatively recent …
A metacalibrated time‐tree documents the early rise of flowering plant phylogenetic diversity
S Magallón, S Gómez‐Acevedo… - New …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
The establishment of modern terrestrial life is indissociable from angiosperm evolution. While
available molecular clock estimates of angiosperm age range from the Paleozoic to the …
available molecular clock estimates of angiosperm age range from the Paleozoic to the …
The ancestral flower of angiosperms and its early diversification
H Sauquet, M Von Balthazar, S Magallón… - Nature …, 2017 - nature.com
Recent advances in molecular phylogenetics and a series of important palaeobotanical
discoveries have revolutionized our understanding of angiosperm diversification. Yet, the origin …
discoveries have revolutionized our understanding of angiosperm diversification. Yet, the origin …
Angiosperm diversification through time
S Magallón, A Castillo - American journal of botany, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
The extraordinary diversity of angiosperms is the ultimate outcome of the interplay of
speciation and extinction, which determine the net diversification of different lineages. We …
speciation and extinction, which determine the net diversification of different lineages. We …
Beyond aridification: multiple explanations for the elevated diversification of cacti in the New World Succulent Biome
…, BO Schlumpberger, LE Eguiarte, S Magallón - New …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Succulent plants are widely distributed, reaching their highest diversity in arid and semi‐arid
regions. Their origin and diversification is thought to be associated with a global expansion …
regions. Their origin and diversification is thought to be associated with a global expansion …
Ferns diversified in the shadow of angiosperms
…, E Schuettpelz, KM Pryer, R Cranfill, S Magallón… - Nature, 2004 - nature.com
The rise of angiosperms during the Cretaceous period is often portrayed as coincident with
a dramatic drop in the diversity and abundance of many seed-free vascular plant lineages, …
a dramatic drop in the diversity and abundance of many seed-free vascular plant lineages, …
The delayed and geographically heterogeneous diversification of flowering plant families
…, H Sauquet, S Magallón - Nature Ecology & …, 2020 - nature.com
The Early Cretaceous (145–100 million years ago (Ma)) witnessed the rise of flowering plants
(angiosperms), which ultimately lead to profound changes in terrestrial plant communities. …
(angiosperms), which ultimately lead to profound changes in terrestrial plant communities. …
Land plant evolutionary timeline: gene effects are secondary to fossil constraints in relaxed clock estimation of age and substitution rates
• Premise of the study: Land plants play an essential role in the evolution of terrestrial life.
Their time of origin and diversification is fundamental to understanding the evolution of life on …
Their time of origin and diversification is fundamental to understanding the evolution of life on …
Phylogenetic relationships and evolution of growth form in Cactaceae (Caryophyllales, Eudicotyledoneae)
…, R Puente, LE Eguiarte, S Magallón - American journal of …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
• Premise of the study: Cactaceae is one of the most charismatic plant families because of
the extreme succulence and outstanding diversity of growth forms of its members. Although …
the extreme succulence and outstanding diversity of growth forms of its members. Although …
Evosystem services: an evolutionary perspective on the links between biodiversity and human well-being
A framework for exploring regional-scale trade-offs among ecosystem services and biodiversity
protection has been established for some time, and it is clear that optimizing these trade-…
protection has been established for some time, and it is clear that optimizing these trade-…