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(Сибирский федеральный университет, 2011)
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УДК 791.44.071.1
IN MODERN CINEMA Kadach S.Y. Scientific supervisor - Grischenko N.A. Siberian Federal University Steven Spielberg is one of the best director in the world. He is ―father‖ of such films like ―Jaws‖, ―Jurassic Park‖, ―Schindler's List‖,‖ Saving...
IN MODERN CINEMA Kadach S.Y. Scientific supervisor - Grischenko N.A. Siberian Federal University Steven Spielberg is one of the best director in the world. He is ―father‖ of such films like ―Jaws‖, ―Jurassic Park‖, ―Schindler's List‖,‖ Saving...
Коммуникативные навыки в изменяющемся мире: исследовательский и дидактический аспекты
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2012-12)
Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 12 (2012 5) 1717-1722
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УДК 808.5: 378.016
The Importance of Communication Skill Instruction
and Research in a Changing Society
Steven A. Beebe*
San Marcos, Texas State University
The Department...
s, it – 1718 – Steven A. Beebe. The Importance of Communication Skill Instruction and Research in a Changing Society was not uncommon for faculty members interested in elocution to form sub-groups within English departments. By the early 1900s...
s, it – 1718 – Steven A. Beebe. The Importance of Communication Skill Instruction and Research in a Changing Society was not uncommon for faculty members interested in elocution to form sub-groups within English departments. By the early 1900s...
Lazar Continuous Carbon Baking – the Future is Now
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2016-08)
University. Engineering & Technologies, 2016, 9(5), 693-702
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УДК 669.713.7:544.653.2
Lazar Continuous Carbon Baking –
the Future is Now
Nicholas Wallaa,
Steven J. Dubeca and Rick Lazarou*b
aLazar Anode Technologies, LLC
1765 River Road, Hawesville...
(5), 693-672. DOI: 10.17516/1999-494X-2016-9-5-693-702. © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: Rick.Lazarou@LazarAnodeTech.com – 694 – Nicholas Walla, Steven J. Dubec… Lazar Continuous Carbon Baking...
(5), 693-672. DOI: 10.17516/1999-494X-2016-9-5-693-702. © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: Rick.Lazarou@LazarAnodeTech.com – 694 – Nicholas Walla, Steven J. Dubec… Lazar Continuous Carbon Baking...
Is Body Mass Index a Potential Biomarker for Anemia in Obese Adolescents?
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Особенности саморегуляции подростков с разными базисными убеждениями
(Journal of Siberian Federal University. Сибирский федеральный университет, 2024-11)
regulation of human behavior]. In: Voprosy psihologii [Questions of psychology], 2000, 2, 118–127.
Padun M. A., Kotelnikova A. V. Modifikaciya metodiki issledovaniya bazisnyh ubezhdenii lichnosti
R. Yanoff-Bulman [Modification of the methodology for studying...
the basic beliefs of a person R. Yanoff- Bulman]. In: Psihologicheskii zhurnal [Psychological Journal], 2008, 4(29), 98–106. – 2152 – �Elena V. Akhmadeeva. Features of Self-Regulation in Adolescents with Different Basic Beliefs Padun M. A., Kotelnikova...
the basic beliefs of a person R. Yanoff- Bulman]. In: Psihologicheskii zhurnal [Psychological Journal], 2008, 4(29), 98–106. – 2152 – �Elena V. Akhmadeeva. Features of Self-Regulation in Adolescents with Different Basic Beliefs Padun M. A., Kotelnikova...
Методология получения 600-летней многоэлементной летописи на основе годичных колец лиственницы с полуострова Таймыр, Россия
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2013-03)
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УДК 550.47+630*561.24
Methodology for Development
of a 600-Year Tree-Ring Multi-Element Record
for Larch from the Taymir Peninsula, Russia
Alexi M. Grachev
*, Eugene A. Vaganov
Steven W. Leavitt
, Irina P...
Экологические особенности распространения пыльцы в популяциях Pinus brutia var. pityusa (Steven) Silba Горного Крыма
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2023-06)
. Biology 2023 16(2): 164–177
УДК 582.475:581.33–021.3(1–924.7)
Ecological Features of Pollen Dispersal
in Populations of Pinus brutia var. pityusa (Steven) Silba
Mountain Crimea
Vladimir P. Koba,
Olesya O. Korenkova* and Nikita A...
, reproductive system. Acknowledgements. The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant № 22–24–20128. Citation: Koba V. P., Korenkova O. O., Makarov N. A. Ecological features of pollen dispersal in populations of Pinus brutia var. pityusa (Steven...
, reproductive system. Acknowledgements. The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant № 22–24–20128. Citation: Koba V. P., Korenkova O. O., Makarov N. A. Ecological features of pollen dispersal in populations of Pinus brutia var. pityusa (Steven...
(Siberian Federal UniversityСибирский федеральный университет, 2019-05)
Zaroulas). The theoretical elaborations by Aldo Rossi constitute the basic reference to this analysis. Moreover, some recent experiences are also considered, such as the research carried out by Steven Holl “The alphabetical city”. So, in addition...
Функциональная активность лейкоцитов крови в ответ на воздействие витаминов разных групп
(Сибирский федеральный университет, 2019)
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Early-Warning Signals of Individual Tree Mortality Based on Annual Radial Growth
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Marie R. Coyea14, Katarina Cˇufar15, Adrian J...