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Языковая ситуация в современной Австралии
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2012-07)
. Shveitser,
L.B. Nikolsky, Ch. Ferguson, G.P. Neshimenko
etc.) vary in the set of criteria employed
by the linguists. The definition given by
A. D. Shveitser combines most of these
criteria and in our research we rely on this
definition: “Language...
:30-31) In A.D.Shveitser’s definition, as well as in the definition of Ch.Ferguson and in some other definitions, the language situation is connected with a synchronous state, or a “certain period of time”, and is sometimes treated as a static and isolated...
:30-31) In A.D.Shveitser’s definition, as well as in the definition of Ch.Ferguson and in some other definitions, the language situation is connected with a synchronous state, or a “certain period of time”, and is sometimes treated as a static and isolated...
Когнитивные механизмы организации дискурса ток-шоу
(Сибирский федеральный университет, 2018-02-21)
Late Late Show) +
представление ведущего (Craig Ferguson) + обозначение времени дискурсивного
события (tonight) + краткая информация об участниках, сжатая до представления
их имен (Claire Danes, Jill Scott)» (It is The Late Late Show with Craig...
Ferguson. Tonight’s guests: Claire Danes and Jill Scott. Ladies and gentlemen, Craig Ferguson! (Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, 02.05.14)). Когнитивная необходимость структурирования информации в дискурсе ток- шоу лежит в основе рекуррентности...
Ferguson. Tonight’s guests: Claire Danes and Jill Scott. Ladies and gentlemen, Craig Ferguson! (Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, 02.05.14)). Когнитивная необходимость структурирования информации в дискурсе ток- шоу лежит в основе рекуррентности...
Использование искусственных нейронных сетей при прогнозировании патогенности вирусов (на примере коронавируса SARS – CoV-2)
(Сибирский федеральный университет, 2023)
short-term forecasting using optimized
LSTM / H.T. Rauf et al. // Soft Computing. – 2021. – vol. 25. – P. 12989–12999
31. Ferguson N. Report 9: Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to
reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand / N...
. Ferguson et al. // Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team. – March 2020. – URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342182508 32. Improving prediction of COVID-19 evolution by fusing epidemiological and mobility data /S. Garcia-Gremades et al...
. Ferguson et al. // Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team. – March 2020. – URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342182508 32. Improving prediction of COVID-19 evolution by fusing epidemiological and mobility data /S. Garcia-Gremades et al...
Judicial Dissents: Legal and Linguistic Aspects
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2016-10)
its errors,
4) disagreeing with the Court’s final
One more difference between the dissent
and the majority opinion is the nature of author’s
position. According to R. Ferguson (1990), judicial
opinions are characterized by four features...
, independence, and personal responsibility. C.L. Langford following Ferguson’s lead argues that dissenting opinions are characterized by four features: “an individualistic tone, a skeptical voice, a democratic standard, and an advocacy medium” (Langford...
, independence, and personal responsibility. C.L. Langford following Ferguson’s lead argues that dissenting opinions are characterized by four features: “an individualistic tone, a skeptical voice, a democratic standard, and an advocacy medium” (Langford...
Project-Based Activity as a Mechanism of Reflection Development in Students of Psychology and Education Studies
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2021-03)
(2019), M. A. Chen (2019), B. Christine
(2019), L. E. Ferguson (2017), N. Fernandez
(2014), L. Kohlberg (2002), D. B. Miele (2017),
K. E. Stanovich (2015), B. Williams (2001)
reveals that the understanding of reflection
should be systemic, represent...
. Williams (2001) argues and theoretically grounds that «the development of reflection should be inextricably linked with professional development and can devel- op through an active, repetitive and guided practice». L. E. Ferguson (2017) considers...
. Williams (2001) argues and theoretically grounds that «the development of reflection should be inextricably linked with professional development and can devel- op through an active, repetitive and guided practice». L. E. Ferguson (2017) considers...
Historiographic Review of Indigenous Peoples Research for the Years 2014-2018
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2018-04)
part of any culture,
playing an important role in the development of
the people’s identity. The article by L. Sidorova,
J. Ferguson and L. Vallikivi “Signs of Non-
recognition: Colonized Linguistic Landscapes
and Indigenous Peoples in Chersky (North...
). As the researchers remark, “the linguistic landscape – the elements of language present in public space – can be seen as a reflection of the sustainability of a language and indeed the cultural identity of a group” (Sidorova, Ferguson, Vallikivi, 2017). However...
). As the researchers remark, “the linguistic landscape – the elements of language present in public space – can be seen as a reflection of the sustainability of a language and indeed the cultural identity of a group” (Sidorova, Ferguson, Vallikivi, 2017). However...
Thermoelectric properties of low-cost transparent single wall carbon nanotube thin films obtained by vacuum filtration
(2018) 2649–2655 https://
[16] J.L. Blackburn, A.J. Ferguson, C. Cho, J.C. Grunlan, Carbon-nanotube-based ther-
moelectric materials and devices, Adv. Mater. 30 (2018) 1704386, https://doi.org/
, B.L. Zink, J.L. Blackburn, A.J. Ferguson, Large n- and p-type thermoelectric power factors from doped semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotube thin films, Energy Environ. Sci. 10 (2017) 2168–2179 https://doi.org/10.1039/C7EE01130J. [23] A...
, B.L. Zink, J.L. Blackburn, A.J. Ferguson, Large n- and p-type thermoelectric power factors from doped semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotube thin films, Energy Environ. Sci. 10 (2017) 2168–2179 https://doi.org/10.1039/C7EE01130J. [23] A...
New Linguistic Technologies in Modern Political Discourse
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2008-12)
to the rest of the
world was his desire to extend Germanys power
beyond her ow n borders. Here, too, P utin fits the
bill( Ferguson).
Another image of Putin is a symbol of KGB
power: a 51-year-old former KGB colonel
(T. Par fit t and D...
to New Heights (2003) http://www.nytimes. com /20 03/05/16/polit ics/16I M AG.ht m l?ex=1054110 450&ei=1&en= ec5fe7d a8bd6a187 N. Ferguson, Look back at Weimar-and start to worry about Russia. Last Updated:12:01pm GMT 01/01/2005, ht t p://w w w...
to New Heights (2003) http://www.nytimes. com /20 03/05/16/polit ics/16I M AG.ht m l?ex=1054110 450&ei=1&en= ec5fe7d a8bd6a187 N. Ferguson, Look back at Weimar-and start to worry about Russia. Last Updated:12:01pm GMT 01/01/2005, ht t p://w w w...
Экспериментальное исследование коэффициента теплопроводности в тонких пленках на основе одностенных углеродных нанотрубок/Experimental Study of the Thermal Conductivity of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Based Thin Films
, A.J. Ferguson, C. Cho, J.C. Grunlan. Adv.
Mater. 30, 1704386 (2018).
[5] A.V. Eletskii. Phys. Usp. 52, 209 (2009).
[6] E. Brown, L. Hao, J.C. Gallop, J.C. Macfarlane. Appl. Phys.
Lett. 87, 023107 (2005).
[7] A. Kamyshny, S. Magdassi. Chem. Soc. Rev...
. 48, 1712 (2019). [8] B. Kumanek, D. Janas. J. Mater. Sci. 54, 7397 (2019). [9] A.D. Avery, B.H. Zhou, J. Lee, E.S. Lee, E.M. Miller, R. Ihly, D. Wesenberg, K.S. Mistry, S.L. Guillot, B.L. Zink, Y.H. Kim, J.L. Blackburn, A.J. Ferguson. Nature Energy 1...
. 48, 1712 (2019). [8] B. Kumanek, D. Janas. J. Mater. Sci. 54, 7397 (2019). [9] A.D. Avery, B.H. Zhou, J. Lee, E.S. Lee, E.M. Miller, R. Ihly, D. Wesenberg, K.S. Mistry, S.L. Guillot, B.L. Zink, Y.H. Kim, J.L. Blackburn, A.J. Ferguson. Nature Energy 1...
Ethnic Language Use as a Symbol of Keeping the Nation’s Culture and Traditions (the Case of the Displaced Peoples’ Languages in the Kurdistan Region)
of the use of a
language by a speech community under con-
ditions where there is a possibility of shift to
another language” (Ferguson, Heath, 1981:
530). Hofman and Cais define the language
maintenance as the national ideal of a cultural
‘melting pot...
York, Basil Blackwell Inc., 335 p. Ferguson, C., Heath, S. (1981). Language in USA. New York, Cambridge University Press, 592 p. Fillmore, L.W. (2000). Loss of family languages: Should educators be concerned? In Theory into Prac- tice, 39 (4), 203...
York, Basil Blackwell Inc., 335 p. Ferguson, C., Heath, S. (1981). Language in USA. New York, Cambridge University Press, 592 p. Fillmore, L.W. (2000). Loss of family languages: Should educators be concerned? In Theory into Prac- tice, 39 (4), 203...