Отображаемые элементы 1-10 из 61
On the Nonparametric Estimation of the Functional Regression Based on Censored Data under Strong Mixing Condition
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2022-08)
. Mathematics & Physics 2022, 15(4), 523–536
DOI: 10.17516/1997-1397-2022-15-4-523-536
УДК 519
On the Nonparametric Estimation of the Functional
Regression Based on Censored Data under Strong
Mixing Condition
Farid Leulmi∗
Sara Leulmi†
University Fre...
variable may be incompletely observed, which make the study of censored data ∗farid_leulmi@yahoo.fr †math17sara@yahoo.fr ‡s_kharfouchi@yahoo.fr c⃝ Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved – 523 – Farid Leulmi, Sara Leulmi, Soumia Kharfouchi...
variable may be incompletely observed, which make the study of censored data ∗farid_leulmi@yahoo.fr †math17sara@yahoo.fr ‡s_kharfouchi@yahoo.fr c⃝ Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved – 523 – Farid Leulmi, Sara Leulmi, Soumia Kharfouchi...
A Class of Local Linear Estimators with Functional Data
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2019-06)
University. Mathematics & Physics 2019, 12(3), 379–391
УДК 519.2
A Class of Local Linear Estimators with Functional Data
Sara Leulmi�
Fatiha Messaciy
Department of Mathematics
University brothers Mentouri
Road of Ain El Bey,Constantine, 25017
in the Appendix. �math17sara@yahoo.fr yf_messaci@yahoo.fr c⃝ Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved – 379 – Sara Leulmi, Fatiha Messaci A Class of Local Linear Estimators with Functional Data 2. The estimation and the pointwise almost...
in the Appendix. �math17sara@yahoo.fr yf_messaci@yahoo.fr c⃝ Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved – 379 – Sara Leulmi, Fatiha Messaci A Class of Local Linear Estimators with Functional Data 2. The estimation and the pointwise almost...
Rate of the Almost Sure Convergence of a Generalized Regression Estimate Based on Truncated and Functional Data
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2020-08)
Constantine 1, Algeria
Sara Leulmi†
LAMASD Laboratory
University Freres Mentouri
Constantine 1, Algeria
Soumia Kharfouch‡
University Salah Boubnider
Constantine 3, Algeria
Received 06.02.2020, received in revised form 25.04.2020, accepted 26...
, one can find many works such as that ∗boudadahalima@yahoo.fr †math17sara@yahoo.fr ‡kharfouchi@yahoo.fr c⃝ Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved – 480 – Halima Boudada, Sara Leulmi, Soumia Kharfouch Rate of the Almost Sure Convergence...
, one can find many works such as that ∗boudadahalima@yahoo.fr †math17sara@yahoo.fr ‡kharfouchi@yahoo.fr c⃝ Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved – 480 – Halima Boudada, Sara Leulmi, Soumia Kharfouch Rate of the Almost Sure Convergence...
Dynamics of Changes in Composition and Stability of the Heavy Oil Sampled from the Usinskoye Oil Field as a Result of Formation Treatment with a Sol-Forming EOR System
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2019-12)
of asphaltenes based on
сhange in the optical density with time is investigated via spectrophotometry. SARA analysis is used
to characterize the compositions of heavy oils. First, the content of asphaltenes precipitated from
the oil samples is determined...
. It is found out that the treatment of reservoir crude oil with the sol-forming EOR system results in changes in composition of saturated, aromatic hydrocarbons, resins, and asphaltenes (SARA components) and aggregative stability of produced oil. The results...
. It is found out that the treatment of reservoir crude oil with the sol-forming EOR system results in changes in composition of saturated, aromatic hydrocarbons, resins, and asphaltenes (SARA components) and aggregative stability of produced oil. The results...
Investigations of Asphaltenes’ Structure and Properties of West Siberian Crude Oils
(Сибирский федеральный университет, 2021)
. These models are discussed. Asphaltene molecules isolated from different sources have different structures.
There are various analytical methods applied in characterization of asphaltenes however SARA analysis and infrared spectroscopy were employed...
Using Magnetic and para magnetic Micro particles (Chemical ) During EMH (Electro Magnetic Heating )for Thermally EOR(Enhanced Oil Recovery ) of West-Siberian Heavy Oil .
(Сибирский федеральный университет, 2017-04-21)
the crystallinity of the sample, Mass Spectrometry , Viscometer
,Chromatography and SARA (Saturate, Aromatic ,Resin and Asphaltene )fractionation data and other
primary tests.
Electromagnetic heating is an alternative method to heat heavy oil reservoirs without...
(Сибирский федеральный университет, 2013)
such social phenomena.
Social Conflict and the Web
According to SaraKiesler “Social conflict entailstheperceptionof divergent interests, which
means that the parties believe that they have incompatible preferences among a set of available...
Investigation of the Composition of High-Viscosity and Heavy Oils in the Course of EOR-Process Simulation
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2017-06)
of the oil samples were also determined. The influence of oil-displacement system
on the rheological characteristics (viscosity) of the oil samples was studied at 20 °С; the density of the
samples was examined at 15 °С.
SARA composition analysis. SARA oil...
. The SARA composition of the oil samples before and after treatment Oil sample SARA (wt %) Saturated + Aromatic HCs Resins Asphaltenes Paraffins 1R Before 78.8 11.5 9.7 0.8 After 80.6 11.0 8.4 0.5 2R Before 92.5 6.5 1.0 15.3 After 93.8 4.8 1.4 10.2 3G...
. The SARA composition of the oil samples before and after treatment Oil sample SARA (wt %) Saturated + Aromatic HCs Resins Asphaltenes Paraffins 1R Before 78.8 11.5 9.7 0.8 After 80.6 11.0 8.4 0.5 2R Before 92.5 6.5 1.0 15.3 After 93.8 4.8 1.4 10.2 3G...
(Сибирский федеральный университет, 2011)
included in the Fortune 500 list. Burns lead her
company away from bankruptcy in 2001. This year, Burns is also looking forward to seeing
the company on its first profitable year.
10. Brenda Barnes: Chairman and CEO of Sara Lee Brenda Barnes has been...
(Сибирский федеральный университет, 2014)
with realizing social function, choice of the best means for goal
achievement according to moral rules, usage of innovative approaches and willingness to take
a risk. Sara Elvorda, David Brown and Christin Letts believe that for a more precise definition...