User profiles for Roger Brent

Roger Brent

Professor of Basic Sciences, FHCRC
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Cited by 68397

Short protocols in molecular biology

FM Ausubel, R Brent, RE Kingston, DD Moore… - New York, 1992 -
Course Description The course enables students to gain basic skills in molecular diagnosis
and karyotyping. This includes: DNA isolation and measurements, electrophoresis of nucleic …

Genomic biology

R Brent - Cell, 2000 -
Genomics is changing our understanding of biology. At fact, Weinstein (1998) has suggested
that all such work present, the greatest impact of genomic research has be termed “omics.” …

[HTML][HTML] Cdi1, a human G1 and S phase protein phosphatase that associates with Cdk2

J Gyuris, E Golemis, H Chertkov, R Brent - Cell, 1993 -
We used the interaction trap, a yeast genetic selection for interacting proteins, to isolate
human cyclin-dependent kinase interactor 1 (Cdi1). In yeast, Cdi1 interacts with cyclin-…

Genetic selection of peptide aptamers that recognize and inhibit cyclin-dependent kinase 2

…, B Cohen, T Jessen, I Grishina, J McCoy, R Brent - Nature, 1996 -
A NETWORK of interacting proteins controls the activity of cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (Cdk2)
(refs 1, 2) and governs the entry of higher eukaryotic cells into S phase. Analysis of this and …

A eukaryotic transcriptional activator bearing the DNA specificity of a prokaryotic repressor

R Brent, M Ptashne - Cell, 1985 -
We describe a new protein that binds to DNA and activates gene transcription in yeast. This
protein, LexA-GAL4, is a hybrid of LexA, an Escherichia coii repressor protein, and GAL4, a …

Mxi1, a protein that specifically interacts with Max to bind Myc-Max recognition sites

AS Zervos, J Gyuris, R Brent - Cell, 1993 -
We used the interaction trap to isolate a novel human protein that specifically interacts with
Max. This protein, Mxil (for Max interactor l), contains a bHLH-Zip motif that is similar to that …

A partnership between biology and engineering

R Brent - Nature Biotechnology, 2004 -
Some of the criticisms directed against this picture of systems biology are definitional. At the
margins, a great deal of science that uses of high-throughput information is indistinguishable …

A consensus yeast metabolic network reconstruction obtained from a community approach to systems biology

…, K Smallbone, I Spasie, D Weichart, R Brent… - Nature …, 2008 -
Genomic data allow the large-scale manual or semi-automated assembly of metabolic
network reconstructions, which provide highly curated organism-specific knowledge bases. …

Groucho is required for Drosophila neurogenesis, segmentation, and sex determination and interacts directly with hairy-related bHLH proteins

…, T Kidd, SM Wainwright, PW Ingham, R Brent… - Cell, 1994 -
We have used the interaction trap, a yeast two-hybrid system, to identify proteins Interacting
with hairy, a basic-helix-loop-helix (bHLH) protein that represses transcription during …

Regulated cell-to-cell variation in a cell-fate decision system

…, O Resnekov, D Endy, C Gustavo Pesce, R Brent - Nature, 2005 -
Here we studied the quantitative behaviour and cell-to-cell variability of a prototypical
eukaryotic cell-fate decision system, the mating pheromone response pathway in yeast. We …