US Pacific marine mammal stock assessments, 2013
…, J Barlow, D Lynch, L Carswell, RL Brownell… - 2014 -
Under the 1994 amendments to the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), the National
Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) are required …
Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) are required …
Baleen whales: conservation issues and the status of the most endangered populations
PJ Clapham, SB Young, RL Brownell Jr - Mammal review, 1999 - Wiley Online Library
Most species of baleen whales were subject to intensive overexploitation by commercial
whaling in this and previous centuries, and many populations were reduced to small fractions of …
whaling in this and previous centuries, and many populations were reduced to small fractions of …
Fish otoliths in cetacean stomachs and their importance in interpreting feeding habits
JE Fitch, RL Brownell Jr - Journal of the Fisheries Board of …, 1968 -
The stomachs of 17 cetaceans of seven species (3 Kogia simus, 5 Stenella longirostris, 3 S.
graffmani, 2 Lagenorhynchus obliquidens, 2 Delphinus delphis, 1 Lissodelphis borealis, and …
graffmani, 2 Lagenorhynchus obliquidens, 2 Delphinus delphis, 1 Lissodelphis borealis, and …
Evolution of river dolphins
…, AG Collins, RL Brownell Jr - Proceedings of the …, 2001 -
The world's river dolphins (Inia, Pontoporia, Lipotes and Platanista) are among the least
known and most endangered of all cetaceans. The four extant genera inhabit geographically …
known and most endangered of all cetaceans. The four extant genera inhabit geographically …
Status of the world's baleen whales
…, RR Reeves, RL Brownell Jr - Marine Mammal …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
No global synthesis of the status of baleen whales has been published since the 2008 IUCN
Red List assessments. Many populations remain at low numbers from historical commercial …
Red List assessments. Many populations remain at low numbers from historical commercial …
Retroposon analysis of major cetacean lineages: the monophyly of toothed whales and the paraphyly of river dolphins
…, F Matsuno, H Hamilton, RL Brownell Jr… - Proceedings of the …, 2001 -
SINE (short interspersed element) insertion analysis elucidates contentious aspects in the
phylogeny of toothed whales and dolphins (Odontoceti), especially river dolphins. Here, we …
phylogeny of toothed whales and dolphins (Odontoceti), especially river dolphins. Here, we …
Bycatch in gillnet fisheries threatens critically endangered small cetaceans and other aquatic megafauna
RL Brownell Jr, RR Reeves, AJ Read… - Endangered Species …, 2019 -
The conservation status of small cetaceans has significantly worsened since the 1980s, when
the baiji was the only species of small cetacean listed as Endangered by IUCN. Now the …
the baiji was the only species of small cetacean listed as Endangered by IUCN. Now the …
Leaner leviathans: body condition variation in a critically endangered whale population
…, GR VanBlaricom, RL Brownell Jr - Journal of …, 2012 -
The role of environmental limitation and density-dependent regulation in shaping populations
is debated in ecology. Populations at low densities may offer an unobstructed view of …
is debated in ecology. Populations at low densities may offer an unobstructed view of …
Organochlorine and metal contaminants in baleen whales: a review and evaluation of conservation implications
TJ O'Shea, RL Brownell Jr - Science of the Total Environment, 1994 - Elsevier
The literature on organochlorine and metal contaminants in tissues of baleen whales includes
data for approximately 1000 individuals in 10 species from various oceans of the world. …
data for approximately 1000 individuals in 10 species from various oceans of the world. …
Saving the vaquita: immediate action, not more data
…, L Rojas-Bracho, RL Brownell Jr… - Conservation …, 2007 - JSTOR
The recent likely extinction of the baiji (Chinese river dol-phin [Lipotes vexillifer])(Turvey et al.
2007) makes the vaquita (Gulf of California porpoise [Phocoena sinus]) the most …
2007) makes the vaquita (Gulf of California porpoise [Phocoena sinus]) the most …