[BOOK][B] The genealogy of the romantic symbol

N Halmi - 2007 - books.google.com
… In contrast to previous scholarship, Nicholas Halmi's study provides such an explanation by
relating the content of Romantic symbolist theory-often criticized as irrationalist-to the cultural …

[PDF][PDF] Prolactin-secreting pituitary tumors in amenorrheic women: a comprehensive study

J Schlechte, B Sherman, N Halmi, J VanGilder… - Endocr Rev, 1980 - oxfordjournals.org
DURING the past decade, advances in diagnostic methods have changed the amenorrhea-galactorrhea
syndrome from a relative medical curiosity to a well recognized and frequently …

Differentiation of two types of basophils in the adenohypophysis of the rat and the mouse

NS Halmi - Stain Technology, 1952 - Taylor & Francis
Pituitaries are fixed for 24 hr. in Bouin's fluid containing 0.5% trichloroacetic acid instead of 5%
acetic acid, or in a mixture of 9 parts SUSA and 1 part saturated aqueous solution of picric …

Immunocytochemical study of the hypophysis in 25 dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism

…, DT Krieger, WD Drucker, NS Halmi - European Journal of …, 1982 - academic.oup.com
Pituitary adenomas were found in 21 (84%) of 25 dogs with spontaneous pituitary-dependent
hyperadrenocorticism. Six dogs had pars intermedia adenomas, whereas 15 had tumours …

Two types of basophils in the anterior pituitary of the rat and their respective cytophysiological significance

NS Halmi - Endocrinology, 1950 - academic.oup.com
INTRODUCTION THE kresazan method of Romeis (1940), a combination of resorcinfuchsin
with azan, enabled him to differentiate between two types of basophils in the hypophysis of …

[PDF][PDF] Coleridge's Poetry and Prose

N Halmi, P Magnuson, R Modiano - NY: Norton, 2004 - flu.cas.cz
Nicholas Halmi … 710 Nicholas Roe. From Wordsworth and Coleridge: The Radical Years …

Romanticism, the Temporalization of History, and the Historicization of Form

N Halmi - Modern Language Quarterly, 2013 - read.dukeupress.edu
Since the beginning of its academic study around 1870, Romanticism has been defined
simultaneously as a historical period (chronologically restricted) and as a stylistic type (…

Coleridge's Ecumenical Spinoza 1

N Halmi - Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net, 2012 - erudit.org
Of English writers of the early nineteenth century, none has so sustained and well-documented
an engagement with Spinozan metaphysics as Coleridge. Encountering Spinoza's …

Plasma immunoreactive proopiomelanocortin peptides and cortisol in normal dogs and dogs with Addison's disease and Cushing's syndrome: basal concentrations

ME PETERSON, DN ORTH, NS HALMI… - …, 1986 - academic.oup.com
We measured basal plasma concentrations of the immunoreactive (IR) proopiomelanocortin
(POMC)-derived peptides ACTH, β-lipotropin (0LPH), β-endorphin (βEND), and αMSH in …

Coleridge's philosophies

N Halmi - 2022 - ora.ox.ac.uk
This new collection enables students and general readers to appreciate Coleridge’s
renewed relevance 250 years after his birth. An indispensable guide to his writing for twenty-first-…