User profiles for J. Rander

Jorgen Randers

Professor BI Norwegian Business School
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Cited by 68861

Inclusive interactions of high-energy neutrinos and antineutrinos in iron

…, J Maillard, JP Merlo, B Peyaud, J Rander… - Zeitschrift für Physik C …, 1979 - Springer
We present results on charged current inclusive neutrino and antineutrino scattering in the
neutrino energy range 30–200 GeV. The results include a) total cross-sections; b)y …

Experimental study of opposite-sign dimuons produced in neutrino and antineutrino interactions

…, JP Merlo, P Perez, B Peyaud, J Rander… - Zeitschrift für Physik C …, 1982 - Springer
A large sample of opposite-sign dimuons, produced by the interaction of neutrinos and
antineutrinos in iron, is analysed. The data agree very well with the hypothesis that the extra …

Total neutrino and antineutrino charged current cross section measurements in 100, 160, and 200 GeV narrow band beams

…, JP Merlo, A Para, P Perez, F Perrier, J Rander… - Zeitschrift für Physik C …, 1987 - Springer
Neutrino and antineutrino total charged current cross sections on iron were measured in the
100, 160, and 200 GeV narrow band beams at the CERN SPS in the energy range 10 to …

[BOOK][B] 2052: A global forecast for the next forty years

J Randers - 2012 -
… , Jay W. Forrester, just at the time when he won the contract to do The Limits to Growth study
for the Club of Rome. That made me visible for the very able project leader Jay chose to do …

Laser monitoring system for the CMS lead tungstate crystal calorimeter

…, J Rander, J Rolquin, JM Reymond, J Tartas… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 2008 - Elsevier
We report on the multiple wavelength laser monitoring system designed for the compact
muon solenoid (CMS) lead tungstate crystal calorimeter. Results are presented for the test-…

Elements of the system dynamics method

J Randers - Journal of the Operational Research Society, 1997 - Taylor & Francis
… Jùrgen Randers' collection brings together advanced papers which form an arc from the
founding principles of the System Dynamics approach, to the methods used in sketching out and …

[BOOK][B] Reinventing prosperity: managing economic growth to reduce unemployment, inequality, and climate change

G Maxton, J Randers - 2016 -
… In this innovative, accessible, and persuasive book, Maxton and Randers show that we don't
need revolutionary changes to meet these challenges. They tell us how big changes can be…

The limits to growth

DH Meadows, DL Meadows, J Randers… - Green planet …, 2018 -
Every person approaches problems with the help of models. A model is simply an ordered
set of assumptions about a complex system. Our world model was built specifically to …

The response and resolution of an iron-scintillator calorimeter for hadronic and electromagnetic showers between 10 GeV and 140 GeV

…, K Tittel, C Guyot, JP Merlo, B Peyaud, J Rander… - Nuclear instruments and …, 1981 - Elsevier
The energy resolution and response of a segmented iron-scintillator total absorption calorimeter
has been measured for pion energies from 10 to 140 GeV and for electron energies up …

[BOOK][B] The limits to growth: the 30-year update

D Meadows, J Randers - 2012 -
'If you only read one book ... make this it!' L. Hunter Lovins, co-author of Natural Capitalism 'It
is time for the world to re-read Limits to Growth! The message of 1972 is more real and …