'Diaspora girls doing identities': Creating ideal television programmes and narratives of the self

F Adriaens - European Journal of Cultural Studies, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
This article reports on the results of a visual ethnographic case study with teenage diaspora
girls living in Belgium. It analyses how second-generation girls of Turkish descent perform …

Sex and the City: A Postfeminist Point of View? Or How Popular Culture Functions as a Channel for Feminist Discourse.

F Adriaens, S Van Bauwel - Journal of Popular Culture, 2014 - search.ebscohost.com
The article examines the relationship of the television series" Sex and the City" and the film"
Sex and the City: The Movie" to feminism and postfeminism. According to the authors, …

Television, identity and diaspora youth: a visual ethnographic study

F Adriaens - CSA Cultural Studies Association: ninth annual cultural …, 2011 - biblio.ugent.be
Media discourses and popular culture offer a broad range of symbolical sources on which
teenagers can rely to give meaning to their everyday life experiences and by consequence …

Post feminism in popular culture: A potential for critical resistance?

F Adriaens - POLITICS AND CULTURE (NEW LONDON, CONN.), 2009 - biblio.ugent.be
Questioning ‘the critical potential in popular culture’ is originally situated within marxistic
research traditions and cultural studies. That is why this article asks whether this question can …

Glocalized Telenovelas and National Identities: A “Textual Cum Production” Analysis of the “Telenovelle” Sara, the Flemish Adaptation of Yo soy Betty, la fea

F Adriaens, D Biltereyst - Television & New Media, 2012 - journals.sagepub.com
This article examines the globalization of the telenovela format in relation to issues of adaptation,
proximities, and national identities. As a case study of glocalized telenovelas, it deals …

[PDF][PDF] The glocalised telenovela as a space for possible identifications for diaspora girls in Northern Belgium? An audience cum content analysis of Sara

F Adriaens - Observatorio, 2010 - Citeseer
Because research on glocalised telenovelas in Western Europe is absent in literature and
telenovelas seem highly popular among diaspora girls from Moroccan descents living in …

The spatial and social contexts of television-viewing adolescents

F Adriaens, E Van Damme, C Courtois - Poetics, 2011 - Elsevier
This paper studies television-viewing adolescents within their spatial and social contexts,
using the Uses and Gratifications approach as a typology of uses. Because previous research …

[PDF][PDF] Sex and the City: klankbord van het postfeminisme?

F Adriaens - UITGELEZEN (BRUSSEL), 2007 - core.ac.uk
Postfeminisme... één begrip, vele ladingen. Als we de literatuur rond deze ‘nieuwe’feministische
stroming bekijken, is het eerste wat opvalt de onenigheid tussen schrijvers. Langs de …

Telenovelas and/as Adaptations

S Joye, D Biltereyst, F Adriaens - The Oxford handbook of …, 2017 - books.google.com
Although the telenovela has a long and successful history, particularly in Latin American
countries, telenovela exporters have faced many difficulties in establishing and consolidating …

[PDF][PDF] 'Doing identities' through self-expressive television production: a visual ethnographic study

F Adriaens - 2012 - biblio.ugent.be
This working paper highlights the results of a visual ethnographic study with diaspora adolescent
girls living in Belgium (age 14-16). It gives an elaborate outline of the methodology, the …