Temporal changes in taxonomic and functional diversity of fish assemblages downstream from mountaintop mining

NP Hitt, DB Chambers - Freshwater Science, 2014 - journals.uchicago.edu
Mountaintop mining (MTM) affects chemical, physical, and hydrological properties of receiving
streams, but the long-term consequences for fish-assemblage structure and function are …

'My own nation': Igbo Exiles in the Diaspora

DB Chambers - Routes to Slavery, 2013 - taylorfrancis.com
When Olaudah Equiano (c. 1745-97) was taken on board the slave ship that carried him out
of the Bight of Biafra he feared for his life. Everything he saw that day seemed to confirm …

Choosing an alpha radiation weighting factor for doses to non-human biota

DB Chambers, RV Osborne, AL Garva - Journal of Environmental …, 2006 - Elsevier
The risk to non-human biota from exposure to ionizing radiation is of current international
interest. In calculating radiation doses to humans, it is common to multiply the absorbed dose …

Ethnicity in the diaspora: The slave-trade and the creation of African'nations' in the Americas

DB Chambers - Slavery and Abolition, 2001 - Taylor & Francis
There is abundant evidence that, throughout the Atlantic world in the era of the slave-trade,
many enslaved people identified themselves, or were so identified by others, as members of …

Rural life in eighteenth-century English poetry

J Goodridge, D Chambers - University of Toronto Quarterly, 1999 - search.proquest.com
Klonk's book would have been more forceful if she had included in her survey what the
Romantic poets observed on this subject: Wordsworth's rejection of mechanism in The Prelude; …

[BOOK][B] Igbo in the Atlantic World: African origins and diasporic destinations

…, HNE Chukwu, GM Hall, PE Lovejoy, DB Chambers… - 2016 - books.google.com
The Igbo are one of the most populous ethnic groups in Nigeria and are perhaps best known
and celebrated in the work of Chinua Achebe. In this landmark collection on Igbo society …

Deterministic effects to the lens of the eye following ionizing radiation exposure: is there evidence to support a reduction in threshold dose?

C Thome, DB Chambers, AM Hooker… - Health …, 2018 - journals.lww.com
Ionizing radiation exposure to the lens of the eye is a known cause of cataractogenesis.
Historically, it was believed that the acute threshold dose for cataract formation was 5 Sv, and …

Personal Food Computer: A new device for controlled-environment agriculture

…, J Rye, G Brander, T Savas, D Chambers… - Proceedings of the …, 2019 - Springer
Due to their interdisciplinary nature, devices for controlled-environment agriculture have the
possibility to turn into ideal tools not only to conduct research on plant phenology but also to …

The Black Atlantic: theory, method, and practice

DB Chambers - The Atlantic World, 1450–2000, 2008 - books.google.com
In 1816, a runaway enslaved Jamaican woman named Bessy turned herself into the St.
George Workhouse, claiming that she had no owner. When interrogated by the workhouse …

Google glass-directed monitoring and control of microfluidic biosensors and actuators

…, G Calzone, GM Amaratunga, DL Chambers… - Scientific reports, 2016 - nature.com
Google Glass is a recently designed wearable device capable of displaying information in a
smartphone-like hands-free format by wireless communication. The Glass also provides …