Gap junctions in cultured astrocytes: single-channel currents and characterization of channel-forming protein

…, A El Aoumari, J Cordier, J Glowinski, D Grost - Neuron, 1991 -
Currents from gap junction channels were recorded from pairs of astrocytes in primary
culture using the double whole-cell recording technique. In weakly coupled pairs, single-channel …

Geographic Variation in Healthcare Costs: A Statistical Analysis and Review

DJ Grost - 2014 -
Geographic variation in the costs of healthcare exists at both the national and regional levels.
Studies have shown that the differences in healthcare spending and costs across the …

iSPAAC: Isomer‐Free Generation of a Bcl‐xL‐Inhibitor in Living Cells

C Lis, S Rubner, C Gröst, R Hoffmann… - … A European Journal, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Strain‐promoted azide–alkyne cycloadditions (SPAAC) have proven extremely useful for
labeling of biomolecules, but typically produce isomeric mixtures. This is not appropriate for the …

Logistics Bonded Center As New Customs Facility Breakthrough For Reducing Logistics Time And Cost

RDR Hidayat, MI Firdaus, L Lesmini… - … Transport (GROST …, 2017 -
dan C. (2017). Satu Tahun Pusat Logistik Berikat. … Biaya Logistik Dan Kelancaran
Pengiriman Logistic Costs and the Good ’ S Delivery, 3(2), 227–243. Lesmini, L., Purwanto, B., & …

Perhitungan PPh Pasal 21 dengan metode Gross, Net Basis, dan Gross Up pada CV Laras Cipta Probolinggo periode Januari sampai Desember Tahun 2019

I Yunita - 2020 -
… Mama, Cece, dan keluarga yang selalu memberikan dukungan material dan doa kepada
peneliti selama mengerjakan skripsi sehingga skripsi ini boleh selesai dengan tepat waktu. …

[PDF][PDF] Like-—Day and Night

RT Grost, LA Prendergast - Symposium Chair -
Snorkeling is frequently used to estimate summer abundance of trout in clear, moderately
sized streams. But, in the North Umpqua River, OR, we found that snorkelers observed fewer …

The promoting active communities program: improvement of Michigan's self-assessment tool

…, D Mendez, C Coutts, L Grost… - … of physical activity …, 2008 -
Background: This project updated and improved the Promoting Active Communities Program
(PAC), a Web-based assessment that enables communities to scrutinize their programs, …

Oregon Chapter: Holds annual meeting in Bend.

R Grost - Fisheries, 2009 -
… and auction, organized by Terry Smith, featured a huge assortment of desirable stuff including
an original Joe Tomelleri burbot painting, custom photo prints by members Richard Grost


E Sjarief, A Syahradzi - … on Sustainable Transport (GROST 2017), 2017 -
To date, human error in the world of flight is more associated to flight personnel, both aircrew
and ground crew. However, in recent years, aircraft passengers could also be the cause of …

[BOOK][B] Aegrotantium Et Morientium Triplex Solamen. Das ist: Dreyfacher Grost, Damit sich Tod-Krancke und jetzt Sterbende wider den gräßlichen Anblick deß Todes …

A Ziehe -
… Wir alle sind auch arme Siinder/Rom.3/13 und mangeln des Ruhms den wir für Gott
haben sollen wir müffen mit dem frommen Daniel bekennen/peccavimus, wir haben Dan.9/4…