The upgraded DØ detector

…, MA Baturitsky, D Bauer, A Bean, B Baumbaugh… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 2006 - Elsevier
The DØ experiment enjoyed a very successful data-collection run at the Fermilab Tevatron
collider between 1992 and 1996. Since then, the detector has been upgraded to take …

Description and performance of the Fermilab E687 spectrometer

…, S Park, R Tiden, R Yoshida, BW Baumbaugh… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 1992 - Elsevier
The magnetic spectrometer and charged particle tracking system used in Fermilab experiment
687 to study the photoproduction and decay of charm particles are described in detail. …

Performance of multiclad scintillating and clear waveguide fibers read out with visible light photon counters

B Baumbaugh, J Erdman, D Gaskell, Q Lu… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 1994 - Elsevier
Measurements have been made of the performance of scintillating fibers read out with visible
light photon counters (VLPCs). The light yields of single-clad and multiclad scintillating …

Tracking with scintillating fibers and visible light photon counters

…, H Fenker, K Morgan, J Thomas, B Baumbaugh… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 1992 - Elsevier
A fiber tracking system was constructed at UCLA, consisting of four layers of scintillating
fiber ribbons coupled to visible light photon counters (VLPCs), and was tested by measuring …

Performance of a large scale scintillating fiber tracker using VLPC readout

B Baumbaugh, I Bertram, A Bross… - … on Nuclear Science, 1996 -
We report on results of a cosmic ray test of a scintillating fiber tracker using Visible Light
Photon Counter (VLPC) readout. Two different detector configurations have been constructed …

Scintillators and wavelength shifters for the detection of ionizing radiation

…, K Andert, P Anselmino, B Baumbaugh… - … , Particle And Space …, 2004 - World Scientific
New scintillators and waveshifter materials are under development for use in detecting
charged particles in tracking applications and for detecting showering particles in calorimetric …

Codes and Sequences for Information Retrieval and Stream Ciphers

TA Baumbaugh - 2020 -
… If ha + hb = 1 (the all ones column), then we place a and b into the same bucket. Note that …
Because S1,S2, and S3 are all distinct, it can be seen by examining the combinations of b, c, b

Performance of a large scale scintillating fiber tracker using VLPC readout

D Adams, M Adams, B Baumbaugh… - IEEE transactions on …, 1995 -
A large scale scintillating fiber tracker using visible light photon counter (VLPC) readout was
built as a prototype far the upgraded DO central tracker. This prototype has been under test …

Cosmic ray test results of the DØ prototype scintillating fiber tracker

D Adams, M Adams, B Baumbaugh, I Bertram… - Nuclear Physics B …, 1995 - Elsevier
The performance of a large scale scintillating fiber tracker with VLPC readout has been
studied in a cosmic-ray test. Approximately 9.6 photoelectrons per single layer per trigger were …

Scintillating glass, fiber-optic plate detectors for active target and tracking applications in high energy physics experiments

R Ruchti, B Baumbaugh, J Bishop… - … on Nuclear Science, 1985 -
We have been developing a scintillating glass fiber-optic imaging system for active target and
tracking applications in high energy physics experiments, Extensive measurements have …