The upgraded DØ detector
…, MA Baturitsky, D Bauer, A Bean, B Baumbaugh… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 2006 - Elsevier
The DØ experiment enjoyed a very successful data-collection run at the Fermilab Tevatron
collider between 1992 and 1996. Since then, the detector has been upgraded to take …
collider between 1992 and 1996. Since then, the detector has been upgraded to take …
Description and performance of the Fermilab E687 spectrometer
…, S Park, R Tiden, R Yoshida, BW Baumbaugh… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 1992 - Elsevier
The magnetic spectrometer and charged particle tracking system used in Fermilab experiment
687 to study the photoproduction and decay of charm particles are described in detail. …
687 to study the photoproduction and decay of charm particles are described in detail. …
Performance of multiclad scintillating and clear waveguide fibers read out with visible light photon counters
B Baumbaugh, J Erdman, D Gaskell, Q Lu… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 1994 - Elsevier
Measurements have been made of the performance of scintillating fibers read out with visible
light photon counters (VLPCs). The light yields of single-clad and multiclad scintillating …
light photon counters (VLPCs). The light yields of single-clad and multiclad scintillating …
Tracking with scintillating fibers and visible light photon counters
…, H Fenker, K Morgan, J Thomas, B Baumbaugh… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 1992 - Elsevier
A fiber tracking system was constructed at UCLA, consisting of four layers of scintillating
fiber ribbons coupled to visible light photon counters (VLPCs), and was tested by measuring …
fiber ribbons coupled to visible light photon counters (VLPCs), and was tested by measuring …
Performance of a large scale scintillating fiber tracker using VLPC readout
B Baumbaugh, I Bertram, A Bross… - … on Nuclear Science, 1996 -
We report on results of a cosmic ray test of a scintillating fiber tracker using Visible Light
Photon Counter (VLPC) readout. Two different detector configurations have been constructed …
Photon Counter (VLPC) readout. Two different detector configurations have been constructed …
Scintillators and wavelength shifters for the detection of ionizing radiation
…, K Andert, P Anselmino, B Baumbaugh… - … , Particle And Space …, 2004 - World Scientific
New scintillators and waveshifter materials are under development for use in detecting
charged particles in tracking applications and for detecting showering particles in calorimetric …
charged particles in tracking applications and for detecting showering particles in calorimetric …
Codes and Sequences for Information Retrieval and Stream Ciphers
TA Baumbaugh - 2020 -
… If ha + hb = 1 (the all ones column), then we place a and b into the same bucket. Note that …
Because S1,S2, and S3 are all distinct, it can be seen by examining the combinations of b, c, b…
Because S1,S2, and S3 are all distinct, it can be seen by examining the combinations of b, c, b…
Performance of a large scale scintillating fiber tracker using VLPC readout
A large scale scintillating fiber tracker using visible light photon counter (VLPC) readout was
built as a prototype far the upgraded DO central tracker. This prototype has been under test …
built as a prototype far the upgraded DO central tracker. This prototype has been under test …
Cosmic ray test results of the DØ prototype scintillating fiber tracker
The performance of a large scale scintillating fiber tracker with VLPC readout has been
studied in a cosmic-ray test. Approximately 9.6 photoelectrons per single layer per trigger were …
studied in a cosmic-ray test. Approximately 9.6 photoelectrons per single layer per trigger were …
Scintillating glass, fiber-optic plate detectors for active target and tracking applications in high energy physics experiments
R Ruchti, B Baumbaugh, J Bishop… - … on Nuclear Science, 1985 -
We have been developing a scintillating glass fiber-optic imaging system for active target and
tracking applications in high energy physics experiments, Extensive measurements have …
tracking applications in high energy physics experiments, Extensive measurements have …