Отображаемые элементы 1-10 из 210
Необычные частицы в пробах из Корнвала, штат Нью-Йорк - имеют ли они импактное происхождение?
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2010-02)
. Engineering & Technologies 1 (2010 3) 5-29
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УДК 5551.3
Exotic Grains in a Core from Cornwall,
NY – Do They Have an Impact Source?
Dallas H. Abbott
*, Perri Gerard-Little
Sarah Coste
, Stephanie Coste
Dee Breger
and Simon K. Haslett
@ldeo.columbia.edu 1 © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved – 6 – Dallas H. Abbott, Perri Gerard-Little…Exotic Grains in a Core from Cornwall, NY-Do They Have an Impact Source? Background In 2006, we used a piston corer to take a core from Tamarack Pond...
@ldeo.columbia.edu 1 © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved – 6 – Dallas H. Abbott, Perri Gerard-Little…Exotic Grains in a Core from Cornwall, NY-Do They Have an Impact Source? Background In 2006, we used a piston corer to take a core from Tamarack Pond...
The Violence of Non-Violence and Civil Disobedience: a Psychological Inference
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2016-08)
University. Humanities & Social Sciences 8 (2016 9) 1746-1753
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УДК 177.3:159.922
The Violence of Non-Violence
and Civil Disobedience:
a Psychological Inference
Kingsley U. Omoyibo
and Anthony Afe. Asekhauno*
University of Benin
p.m.b.1154, Benin...
: kingsley.omoyibo@uniben.edu; anthony.asekhauno@uniben.edu Introduction This article is committed to indicating that there is violence in the theory and practice of non-violence and civil disobedience. Commonly, the idea of ‘violence’ is equated...
: kingsley.omoyibo@uniben.edu; anthony.asekhauno@uniben.edu Introduction This article is committed to indicating that there is violence in the theory and practice of non-violence and civil disobedience. Commonly, the idea of ‘violence’ is equated...
«Осовременивание» Чосера: некоторые аспекты перевода среднеанглийского текста на современный английский язык
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2011-10)
analysis is the translation
of Geoffrey Chaucer’s “The Canterbury Tales”
performed by Gerard P. NeCastro, Professor of
English at University of Maine at Machias, who
hosts the eChaucer website. Professor NeCastro
– 1464 –
Sergey I. Sidorenko. Rewriting...
Saint Anthony’s fire fall on their bodies! (The Reeve’s Tale 4172) Geographical names which were part of the medieval reader’s background knowledge also have to be brought up to date if they have fallen into disuse or changed over time: At Lyeys...
Saint Anthony’s fire fall on their bodies! (The Reeve’s Tale 4172) Geographical names which were part of the medieval reader’s background knowledge also have to be brought up to date if they have fallen into disuse or changed over time: At Lyeys...
Биология голомянок (Comephoridae) и их роль в формировании продуктивности озера Байкал
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2012-06)
, p. 764.
Ж.А. Черняев. Биология голомянок (Comephoridae) и их роль в формировании продуктивности озера Байкал
Biology of Oilfishes (Comephoridae)
and Their Role in the Formation
of Lake Baikal Bioproductivity
Gerard A. Tcherniayev
Технико-технологические основы производства разрушаемых полигидроксиалканоатов
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2012-09)
: 325–328.
Technical and Technological Foundation
of the Production
of Degradable Polyhydroxyalkanoates
Eugeny G. Kiselev
Oleg N. Shishatsky
and Anthony J. Sinskey
Institute of Biophysics of SB RAS,
Akademgorodok, Krasnoyarsk...
Ферменты, участвующие в синтезе полигидроксиалканоатов: обзор и биологическая перспектива
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2012-09)
University. Biology 3 (2012 5) 220-242
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УДК 576.8
Polyhydroxyalkanoate Production Enzymes:
a Survey and Biological Perspective
Christopher J. Brigham
and Anthony J. Sinskey
Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology...
thought of as replacements for petroleum-based polymers. Currently, PHAs are under intense investigation – 221 – Christopher J. Brigham and Anthony J. Sinskey… Polyhydroxyalkanoate Production Enzymes: a Survey and Biological… as biocompatible...
thought of as replacements for petroleum-based polymers. Currently, PHAs are under intense investigation – 221 – Christopher J. Brigham and Anthony J. Sinskey… Polyhydroxyalkanoate Production Enzymes: a Survey and Biological… as biocompatible...
The Russian European: the Phenomenon of Mikhail Shishkin
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University, 2017-09)
the “Russian European”. Gerard Delanty, who
outlined six historically existing definitions of
Europe, wrote: “Europe is more than a region
and polity, it is also an idea and an identity”
(Delanty, 1995: 3). Leaving aside the notion
of Europe as a geo...
. On the one hand, in the binary judgment of Akunin there is nothing exclusively national. If we handle the ideas about ethno- symbolism of Anthony D. Smith, then “reciprocal relationship” and “internal conflicts” “between elites and non-elites” are typical...
. On the one hand, in the binary judgment of Akunin there is nothing exclusively national. If we handle the ideas about ethno- symbolism of Anthony D. Smith, then “reciprocal relationship” and “internal conflicts” “between elites and non-elites” are typical...
Personalism in Russia
(Сибирский федеральный университет. Siberian Federal University., 2014-07)
Ivanovich Nesmelov he
used to deliver lectures in Kazan theological
academy. At that time its chancellor was a young
archimandrite Anthony (Khrapovitsky). Both
Nesmelov and Anthony Khrapovitsky were by
then the followers of personalism.
research. Metropolitan Anthony Khrapovitsky (while still being a hieromonk) was the first Russian theologian to address human personality in his master’s thesis “Psychological evidence in favor of freedom of will and moral responsibility” (1887...
research. Metropolitan Anthony Khrapovitsky (while still being a hieromonk) was the first Russian theologian to address human personality in his master’s thesis “Psychological evidence in favor of freedom of will and moral responsibility” (1887...
Mode coupling in arrays of Al nanoparticles
. Wardley, J. Martin, G. A. Wurtz, J. Plain,
N. Bonod, A. V. Zayats, W. Dickson, D. Ge´rard, Lattice modes and
plasmonic linewidth engineering in gold and aluminum nanoparticle
arrays, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 34 (3) (2017) 691–700.
. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.102. 146807. URL https://journals.aps.org/prl/pdf/10.1103/PhysRevLett.102. 146807https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.146807 [27] F. Laux, N. Bonod, D. Ge´rard, Single Emitter Fluorescence Enhancement with Surface...
. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.102. 146807. URL https://journals.aps.org/prl/pdf/10.1103/PhysRevLett.102. 146807https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.146807 [27] F. Laux, N. Bonod, D. Ge´rard, Single Emitter Fluorescence Enhancement with Surface...
Моделирование и прототипирование протокола многостанционного доступа
(Сибирский федеральный университет, 2023)
Applications Handbook,
Second Edition / R. Elbert. Bruce. – Artech House, 2004. – 532 c. – ISBN 978-1580534-90-1.
3. Gerard, Maral. Satellite Communications Systems: Systems, Techniques and
Technology / Maral Gerard, Bousquet Michel. – Wiley, 2009. – 743 c...
. – ISBN 978-0470660-88-1. 4. Gerard Maral. VSAT Networks /Maral Gerard. – Wiley, 2004. – 296 с. – ISBN 978-0-9780470866-84-9. 5. GeeksforGeeks : A computer science portal for geeks : сайт. – URL: https...
. – ISBN 978-0470660-88-1. 4. Gerard Maral. VSAT Networks /Maral Gerard. – Wiley, 2004. – 296 с. – ISBN 978-0-9780470866-84-9. 5. GeeksforGeeks : A computer science portal for geeks : сайт. – URL: https...