Real-world NOx emissions from heavy-duty diesel, natural gas, and diesel hybrid electric vehicles of different vocations on California roadways
…, G Karavalakis, S Cao, A Oshinuga, A Burnette… - Science of the Total …, 2021 - Elsevier
This study assessed the real-world nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from 50 heavy-duty
vehicles of different vocations and engine technologies using portable emissions measurement …
vehicles of different vocations and engine technologies using portable emissions measurement …
Real-world exhaust temperature profiles of on-road heavy-duty diesel vehicles equipped with selective catalytic reduction
…, D Sandez, A Vu, Y Jiang, A Burnette… - Science of the Total …, 2018 - Elsevier
On-road heavy-duty diesel vehicles are a major contributor of oxides of nitrogen (NO x )
emissions. In the US, many heavy-duty diesel vehicles employ selective catalytic reduction (SCR…
emissions. In the US, many heavy-duty diesel vehicles employ selective catalytic reduction (SCR…
Monoclonal antibody therapeutics with up to five specificities: functional enhancement through fusion of target-specific peptides
…, V Nam, B Puffer, P Buasen, S Kaithamana, A Burnette… - MAbs, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
The recognition that few human diseases are thoroughly addressed by mono-specific,
monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) continues to drive the development of antibody therapeutics with …
monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) continues to drive the development of antibody therapeutics with …
Photospheric and coronal currents in solar active regions
AB Burnette, RC Canfield… - The Astrophysical …, 2004 -
Using photospheric line-of-sight magnetograms from the National Solar Observatory (NSO)
Kitt Peak and coronal X-ray images from the Yohkoh Soft X-Ray Telescope (SXT), we have …
Kitt Peak and coronal X-ray images from the Yohkoh Soft X-Ray Telescope (SXT), we have …
Characterization of the emissions impacts of hybrid excavators with a portable emissions measurement system (PEMS)-based methodology
…, TD Durbin, DR Cocker III, A Burnette… - Science of the Total …, 2018 - Elsevier
Hybrid engine technology is a potentially important strategy for reduction of tailpipe
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other pollutants that is now being implemented for off-road …
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other pollutants that is now being implemented for off-road …
[PDF][PDF] Collection of activity data from on-road heavy-duty diesel vehicles
1.1. Background For the State of California to meet upcoming ambient air quality standards
for ozone and particulate matter (PM), considerable reductions in nitrogen oxides (NOx) …
for ozone and particulate matter (PM), considerable reductions in nitrogen oxides (NOx) …
The NANOGrav 15-year Data Set: Search for Gravitational Wave Memory
R Burnette, JP Sun, G Agazie, A Anumarlapudi… - arXiv preprint arXiv …, 2025 -
We present the results of a search for nonlinear gravitational wave memory in the NANOGrav
15-year data set. We find no significant evidence for memory signals in the dataset, with a …
15-year data set. We find no significant evidence for memory signals in the dataset, with a …
Purification of clinical-grade disulfide stabilized antibody fragment variable—Pseudomonas exotoxin conjugate (dsFv-PE38) expressed in Escherichia coli
H Jiang, Y Xie, A Burnette, J Roach… - Applied microbiology …, 2013 - Springer
Immunotoxins are rationally designed cancer targeting and killing agents. Disulfide stabilized
antibody Fv portion—toxin conjugates (dsFv-toxin) are third generation immunotoxins …
antibody Fv portion—toxin conjugates (dsFv-toxin) are third generation immunotoxins …
Filopodial actin bundles are not necessary for microtubule advance into the peripheral domain of Aplysia neuronal growth cones
Filopodial actin bundles guide microtubule assembly in the growth cone peripheral (P)
domain and retrograde actin-network flow simultaneously transports microtubules rearward. …
domain and retrograde actin-network flow simultaneously transports microtubules rearward. …
[HTML][HTML] Myosin II activity facilitates microtubule bundling in the neuronal growth cone neck
The cell biological processes underlying axon growth and guidance are still not well understood.
An outstanding question is how a new segment of the axon shaft is formed in the wake …
An outstanding question is how a new segment of the axon shaft is formed in the wake …