The association between SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR cycle threshold and mortality in a community cohort
Year: 2021
Type: article
Abstract: <b>Ct values from RT-PCR tests are associated with risk of mortality in SARS-CoV-2 infection. Hazards of Ct values <20 compared to >30 were 2.20 (95% CI 1.28–3.76) in a model adjusted for age, s... more
Source: European Respiratory Journal
Authors R Waudby-West, Benjamin J. Parcell, Nicholette D. Palmer, Samira Bell, James D. Chalmers +1 more
Cites: 7
Cited by: 47
Related to: 10
FWCI: 3.03
Citation percentile (by year/subfield): 100
Subfield: Infectious Diseases
Field: Medicine
Domain: Health Sciences
Sustainable Development Goal Good health and well-being
Open Access status: hybrid