Knowledge of stress-responsive proteins is critical for further understanding the molecular mechanisms of stress tolerance. The objectives of this study were to establish a proteomic map for a perennial grass species, creeping bentgrass (A. stolonifera L.), and to identify differentially expressed, salt-responsive proteins in two cultivars differing in salinity tolerance. Plants of two cultivars (‘Penncross’ and ‘Penn-A4’) were irrigated daily with water (control) or NaCl solution to induce salinity stress in a growth chamber. Salinity stress was obtained by adding NaCl solution of 2, 4, 6, and 8 dS m−1 in the soil daily for 2-day intervals at each concentration, and then by watering soil with 10 dS m−1 solution daily for 28 days. For proteomic map, using two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE), approximately 420 and 300 protein spots were detected in leaves and roots, respectively. A total of 148 leaf protein spots and 40 root protein spots were excised from the 2-DE gels and subjected to mass spectrometry analysis. In total, 106 leaf protein spots and 24 root protein spots were successfully identified. Leaves had more salt-responsive proteins than roots in both cultivars. The superior salt tolerance in ‘Penn-A4’, indicated by shoot extension rate, relative water content, and cell membrane stability during the 28-day salinity stress could be mainly associated with its higher level of vacuolar H+-ATPase in roots and UDP-sulfoquinovose synthase, methionine synthase, and glucan exohydrolase in leaves, as well as increased accumulation of catalase and glutathione S-transferase in leaves. Our results suggest that salinity tolerance in creeping bentgrass could be in part controlled by an alteration of ion transport through vacuolar H+-ATPase in roots, maintenance of the functionality and integrity of thylakoid membranes, sustained polyamine biosynthesis, and by the activation of cell wall loosening proteins and antioxidant defense mechanisms.

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The authors would like to thank Emily Merewitz, Yan Xu, and Longxing Hu for critical review of the manuscript. Our thanks are also due to the Rutgers Center of Turfgrass Science for funding support of this project.
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Xu, C., Sibicky, T. & Huang, B. Protein profile analysis of salt-responsive proteins in leaves and roots in two cultivars of creeping bentgrass differing in salinity tolerance. Plant Cell Rep 29, 595–615 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00299-010-0847-3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00299-010-0847-3