We administered tests commonly used in the diagnosis of auditory processing disorders (APDs) to twins recruited from the general population. We observed significant correlations in test scores between co-twins. Our analyses of test score correlations among 106 MZ and 33 DZ twin pairs indicate that dichotic listening ability is a highly heritable trait. Dichotic listening is the ability to identify and distinguish different stimuli presented simultaneously to each ear. Deficits in dichotic listening skills indicate a lesion or defect in interhemispheric information processing. Such defects or lesions can be prominent in elderly listeners, language-impaired children, stroke victims, and individuals with PAX6 mutations. Our data indicates that other auditory processing abilities are influenced by shared environment. These findings should help illuminate the etiology of APDs, and help to clarify the relationships between auditory processing abilities and learning/language disorders associated with APDs.

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This work was supported by NIDCD intramural funds Z01-DC000035, Z01-DC000039, Z01-DC000046, and Z01-DC000064. We thank Frank Musiek, who developed and provided us with the COLT. Thanks to James Jerger and Jeff Martin, who developed the University of Texas dichotic consonant–vowel–consonant test stimuli (UT-CVCs). We thank Jessica Barrett, Jennifer Bentley, Kim Laws, Tom and Mary Ann Mastroianni, Erin McAlister, Kara Schvartz, Allyson Segar, Pamela Buethe and Lauren Wisman for their valuable help in administering hearing and auditory processing tests at the Twins Festivals. Our thanks to Susan Sullivan (NIDCD) and Andrew Griffith (NIDCD) for critically reading the manuscript. We thank the anonymous reviewers, whose suggestions improved the manuscript. We thank Sandy Miller and the entire Twins Day Festival committee for their help and support.
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Morell, R.J., Brewer, C.C., Ge, D. et al. A twin study of auditory processing indicates that dichotic listening ability is a strongly heritable trait. Hum Genet 122, 103–111 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00439-007-0384-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00439-007-0384-5