Using a combination of morphological and molecular data, the genus Micropsalliota is shown to represent a monophyletic lineage in the Agaricaceae sister to Hymenagaricus. Features that distinguish the genus from Agaricus and allied genera include usually small, gracile basidiomes with a membranous partial veil, dextrinoid basidiospores with an apically thickened endosporium and lack of a germ pore, capitate or subcapitate, conspicuous cheilocystidia, and incrusted pileipellis hyphae that turn green in ammonia solution. We provide a monographic treatment of 23 taxa of Micropsalliota from Northern Thailand, of which 13 taxa represent new distribution reports for Thailand and 10 represent new taxa, including M. allantoidea, M. bifida, M. furfuracea, M. lateritia var. vinaceipes, M. megarubescens, M. megaspora, M. pusillissima, M. rubrobrunnescens var. rubrobrunnescens, M. rubrobrunnescens var. tibiicystis, and M. suthepensis. Included in this monograph are comprehensive descriptions, illustrations of micromorphological features, photographs of basidiomes, comparisons with allied species, phylogenetic trees inferring relationships amongst Thai species based on nrITS and nrLSU sequence datasets, and a key to aid in diagnosis.

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We are grateful to the following people for their help with fieldwork: Thitiya Boonpratuang, Edward Grand, Tran Thi My Hanh, Amy Honan, Samantha Karunarathna, Jennifer Kerekes, Thanh Huyen Le, Jiankui Liu, Maria Alice Neves, Todd Osmundson, Dirk Stubbe, Phongeun Sysouphanthong, Chan Hong Twu, Nopparat Wannathes and Nilam Wulandari. Dr Annemieke Verbeken is thanked for correcting the Latin diagnoses of new species. We thank the National Science Foundation (USA) for providing financial support to Rui-Lin Zhao from a PEET-grant to Desjardin (DEB-0118776). King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) is thanked for providing the Materials Transfer Agreement.
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Zhao, Rl., Desjardin, D.E., Soytong, K. et al. A monograph of Micropsalliota in Northern Thailand based on morphological and molecular data. Fungal Diversity 45, 33–79 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13225-010-0050-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13225-010-0050-4