The auditory cortex in echolocating bats is one of the best studied in mammals, yet the projections of the thalamus to the different auditory cortical fields have not been systematically analyzed in any bat species. The data of the present study were collected as part of a combined investigation of physiological properties, neuroarchitecture, and chemoarchitecture as well as connectivity of cortical fields in Rhinolophus in order to establish a neuroanatomically and functionally coherent view of the auditory cortex in the horseshoe bat. This paper first describes the neuroanatomic parcellation of the medial geniculate body and then concentrates on the afferent thalamic connections with auditory cortical fields of the temporal region. Deposits of horseradish peroxidase and wheatgerm-agglutinated horseradish peroxidase were made into neurophysiologically characterized locations of temporal auditory cortical fields; i.e., the tonotopically organized primary auditory cortex, a ventral field, and a temporal subdivision of a posterior dorsal field. A clear topographic relationship between thalamic subdivisions and specific cortical areas is demonstrated. The primary auditory cortex receives topographically organized input from the central ventral medial geniculate body. The projection patterns to the temporal subdivision of the posterior dorsal field suggest that it is a “core” field, similar to the posterior fields in the cat. Projections to the ventral field arise primarily from border regions of the ventral medial geniculate body. On the whole, the organization of the medial geniculate body projections to the temporal auditory cortex is quite similar to that described in other mammals, including cat and monkey.

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- AC:
auditory cortex
- AD:
anterior dorsal nucleus of MGB
- adf :
anterior dorsal field of AC
- ADS:
anterior dorsal superficial nucleus of MGB
- AP:
pretectal area
- ax:
- BIC:
brachium of the IC
nucleus of the BIC
- CF:
constant frequency
- CP:
cerebral peduncle
- D:
dorsal nucleus of MGB
- DD:
deep dorsal nucleus of MGB
- ddf :
dorsal dorsal field of AC
- DS:
dorsal superficial nucleus of MGB
- FM:
frequency modulation
- Fr:
frontal region
- HA:
- HRP:
horseradish peroxidase
- IC:
inferior colliculus
- ILN:
intralaminar nuclei
- LGB:
lateral geniculate body
- LGBv:
ventral LGB
- LGBi:
intergeniculate leaflet of LGB
- LPc, r:
caudal and rostral part of the lateral posterior nucleus
- M, MGBm:
medial division of MGB
- M/PO:
transition zone of MGBm and ILN/PO
- MGB:
medial geniculate body
- MGBd:
dorsal division of MGB
- MGBm, M:
medial division of MGB
- MGBv, V:
ventral division of MGB
- MGB1–MGB6:
6 representative MGB atlas sections from different rostrocaudal levels
- MZ:
marginal zone of MGB
reticular nucleus of the thalamus
- Occ:
occipital region
- OT:
optic tract
- Par:
parietal region
- Par1, 2, 3, 4:
parietal fields 1–4 of the parietal region
- Par/Occ:
parietal/occipital transition zone
- PL:
posterior limitans nucleus
- pf :
primary field of AC
- PO:
posterior nucleus
lateral, medial nucleus of PO
intralaminar portion of PO
- rdf :
rostral dorsal field of AC
- SGN:
suprageniculate nucleus
- SN:
substantia nigra
subparafascicular nucleus
- SPN:
suprapeduncular nucleus
- Te:
temporal region
- Te1, 2:
temporal fields 1 and 2 of the temporal region
- Te1′, 2′:
temporal fields 1′ and 2′ of the temporal region
- Te2r, c:
rostral and caudal part of Te2
- Te/Occ:
temporal/occipital transition zone
- Te-Rz:
edge zone of the temporal region
- V, MGBv:
ventral division of MGB
- V′:
border zones of MGBv
- vf :
ventral field of AC
- VL:
ventrolateral nucleus of MGB
tentative name for an area, that is part of the ventral nuclear group of the lateral thalamus (VTH; possibly ventrobasal complex or ventroposterior nucleus) and/or the posterior nuclei group (possibly the lateral or medial nucleus of the posterior group (POL or POM)
wheat germ-agglutinated HRP
- ZI:
zona incerta
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I am grateful to Jean Büttner-Ennever, William E. O’Neill, and Gerd Schuller for thoughtful comments on the manuscript and the revision of the English text. This research was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 204 (“Gehör”), TP10.
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Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 204 (“Gehör”), TP10.
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Radtke-Schuller, S. Cytoarchitecture of the medial geniculate body and thalamic projections to the auditory cortex in the rufous horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus rouxi). Anat Embryol 209, 59–76 (2004). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00429-004-0424-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00429-004-0424-z